The Savage Worlds Dice Roller has several new features added to it to make rolling dice a bit more fun (and somewhat addictive)!
3D Dice!
Rolling dice now actually rolls dice! I’ve rewritten the code entirely to use Dice-Box, a JavaScript module for rolling 3D dice.

Reroll History
Now everytime you hit the Reroll button, the previous rolls are retained in a list until the Reset button is pressed. Additionally, updates to Target Numbers or modifiers are applied to all entries in the history.
Percentage Dice
Percentage dice were missing from the Standard Rolls tab because previously, Savage Worlds didn’t make use of the the percentile die. In recent publications, there have been a few cases where they are used. It’s also nice to have as a GM in case you ever just want to roll d% anyway.

If you’ve recently used the Savage Worlds Dice Roller, simply load it up again, and you should be prompted to reload for an update. If you’re not prompted, simply refresh it it to force a reload.
If you find any bugs, please feel free to contact us or comment below.
2 replies on “New SWADE Dice Roller Features”
From Reddit:
“Doesn‘t work in every browser, somehow. E.g. it‘s broken for Safari (tested in macOS).”
“Funny, with 2.2.0 (had to reload) I get results, but they are always the same. I have tested it two weeks ago, then it didn‘t work at all. Now, just exact copies of the dice images shown in the „selector“ appear and no logging. Rolling a D8 + D6 Wild Die always shows 8 & 6 and so on.
MacBook Pro (M1 Pro) 14-inch 2021, macOS 13.5 Ventura, Safari 16.6.
Same goes in iOS Safari.
iPhone 11 Pro, iOS 17.4
And meanwhile, the same problem occurs in Firefox on macOS (v127.0) and Brave on iOS (v1.66).
Oh, and did I mention it looks broken, now, too?
((EDIT: Reddit won’t let me upload pictures ATM.))”
Thanks! I replied on Reddit, I’m wondering if a hard refresh in the browser to clear the cache might fix it. Also, are there any errors in the browser console?